I'm more than a little proud of this.
Due to shifts in the market, we started having a lot more freight come onto our dock that has to get boxed and shipped back out.
These pieces are 230 - 300 lbs each and fragile. Boxing them became a ridiculous endevour, especially on days when no one was around to help.
I came up with a way to use two boxes; one on each end; but lifting/flipping these suckers was asking for trouble.
The problem was leverage, more than the weight itself. I figured if I had something like a saw-horse, except stronger, it would be easier.
I made a little drawing and gave it to my boss.
A couple days latter he showed up with this thing he made from scrap wood around his house.
It worked like a charm.
Step 1 - first box
Step 2 - before the flip
Step 3 - after the flip
Step 4 - interlace the box flaps
Step 5 - tape and stretch-wrap
You should really contact the Underpants Gnomes with this 5 Step Plan. I'm sure they'd be willing to share at least some of their Profit with you.
(Great thinkin'!)
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