
does anyone really think i'm gonna open something stamped "Second Chance"?
watching mom try to turn the car around in the backyard


all this technology... and nothing to say


Fethullah Gülen, the Institute of Interfaith Dialog, and Raindrop Turkish House,

i saw a story on PBS about Fethullah Gülen and The Institute of Interfaith Dialog, which is closely affiliated with our mosque back in Houston, The Raindrop Turkish House.

the story will air again:
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
A profile of Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen, who's inspired a global Islamic movement to build schools instead of mosques.

i'm not sure where, but
The Institute of Interfaith Dialog is building a mosque, a synagogue, and a church, all on the same piece of land.

i was very happy to see our people in Houston building bridges with Jews.
Raindrop Turkish House and Institute of Interfaith Dialog hosted Temple B’nai Israel