
yoko ono: It's advisable to always keep your head empty so a wind can pass through


Yoko Ono: Go from one room to another opening and closing each door. Do it very slowly. Imagine opening and closing your brain when you do this.


Happy Birthday Dad. I miss You.


Someone searched for you. But it wasn't the hot chick in the ad.


krispy kream delivery truck... unguarded...


Amira says "It's raining Chinese food"


my spelling is so bad the spellchecker can't even figure it out.


I'm a late in life lesbian


america might elect the donald simply for the entertainment value alone.


/ due to gas prices/
/ pedestrians no longer /
/ have the right of way /


FWD: yokoono: Count all the puddles on the street when the sky is blue.


reality tv i'd watch: locate siblings seperated young. set them up unwittingly on blind dates.


dufr01: @Quazipseudo Watch out for that ice! I threw down a bunch of calcium chloride this morning. <looked all melted!>


managed to find the one spot in the driveway that still had ice. practically dislocated my shoulder. shit hurts!
yoko ono: Cherish every meeting with someone. The odds of not meeting in this life are so great that every meeting is like a miracle.


jeannie in recovery. long day. no cathater. heart ok. cool pics inside heart. revisit pulmenary angle next. thnx all! xoxo
jeannie getting heart cathater (sp?) today, tue 3/15/2011. prayers appreciated. text or call 216-339-2337.


God bless the people of Japan.


doris zine blog

new zines

New zines! at click here for distro

Filling the Void: interviews about quitting drinking and using
Super inspiring! A great resource for people trying to quit. Not spiritual or straight-edge. 8 interviews with people who have quit drinking and/or using. Frank discussions and stories about the positive and negative roles drinking/using had in their lives, why they decided to quit, what they struggled with and how they managed to do it.
interviewees include Erick Lyle (Scam zine), Artnoose (Ker-bloom zine), Cindy (Doris zine), and John Geek (The Fleshies). Interviews conducted by and edited by Cindy and Caty Crabb

Protective Playing Cards
the most beautiful, coolest work of art I have ever seen. A real deck of cards, each card has a different amazingly beautiful drawing of protection.
you can play cards with them, keep them by your bed and look at one a day, page through them whenever you need to remember that you are not alone.

When the Crash Meets Something Solid #003
vinettes about addiction, Goddard College, pills to heroin, being in an abusive master/slave relationship with the owner of the massage place she worked - and getting away.

We Shut the City Down: Six former Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM) members reflect on the mass direct actions against the 2000 Republican National Convention in Philadelphia.
smart ads crack me up. there's one for anger management on my home page.


/ tooth aches, must come out /
/ no numb stuff, must work fast, breathe /
/ fuck me! so much blood /



reality tv i'd watch: courtroom drama: colorful guest judges decide who wins/loses... a wino, paranoid schizo, drag queen, four yr old, grandma, strippers...


reality tv i'd watch: drag queen survivor.
reality tv i'd watch: group of drag queens compete for the affections of a gay leather biker dom.
reality tv i'd watch: group of unattractive women compete for the affections of a blind man.
what's the deal with midgets and pitbulls?


i cant believe i never tried mustard on falafel before.


mom listens to christian radio now. loud.


FWD: DalaiLama: In general I think that anger is a sign of weakness and tolerance a sign of strength.
FWD: yokoono: Fear breeds fear. Hate breeds hate. And Love breeds love.
makes me mad not they /
hid the doughnuts, rather that /
they hid them so well


note to self.. cool it with the garlic.
having computer problems.. off line.. call me
DalaiLama: Developing love & compassion & reducing anger & spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever
FWD: DalaiLama: Developing love and compassion and reducing anger and spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever


having a string of really productive days. nice repreave (sp?) from the usual ADD Shuffle.


FWD: TheGodLight: Love will stand above everything. It wipes out all defects. It is the only power that sets everything to rights: Peter Dunov


just saw some dirty ice / slush fallen from a car that was shaped like godzilla
i should have shoveled more while it was still light and powdery. now it's mostly ice.


Has Monster Quest every actually found ANYTHING?


does anyone really think i'm gonna open something stamped "Second Chance"?
watching mom try to turn the car around in the backyard


all this technology... and nothing to say


Fethullah Gülen, the Institute of Interfaith Dialog, and Raindrop Turkish House,

i saw a story on PBS about Fethullah Gülen and The Institute of Interfaith Dialog, which is closely affiliated with our mosque back in Houston, The Raindrop Turkish House.

the story will air again:
Religion & Ethics Newsweekly
A profile of Turkish scholar Fethullah Gulen, who's inspired a global Islamic movement to build schools instead of mosques.

i'm not sure where, but
The Institute of Interfaith Dialog is building a mosque, a synagogue, and a church, all on the same piece of land.

i was very happy to see our people in Houston building bridges with Jews.
Raindrop Turkish House and Institute of Interfaith Dialog hosted Temple B’nai Israel